Tag Archives: twitter

Twitter Resource…

I had to share this site I had bookmarked. It is a great Twitter help for those that want to understand how to utilize the “Lists” option in Twitter.  I LOVE the lists option for subscribing to groups of people with like-interests or creating my own list of twitter users. This saves me time when I check Twitter.


I am so excited about my district’s venture into the land of Twitter! Last week at our Olympian Conference Joint Inservice the entire Mishicot staff joined Twitter.  Check out our tweets here.  I truly believe Twitter is one of the easiest ways for on-demand professional development.  So, as many of my staff are just beginning to use Twitter I wanted to share some resources, tips, and tricks.

1. What really is Twitter?  Check out this video that describes Twitter in Plain English

2. Create your bio.  This can be done in the settings. It will help you to gain follower and expand your network.  It doesn’t have to be long, just a few key words to describe you.

3.  Use hashtags.  By using hashtags you can categorize your tweets or search for relevant topics.  Check out this short article about “What are Hashtags?” I would even consider starting your own classroom hashtag.  We have also adopted #mishicot to use – remember you can have more than one hashtag.

4. Expand your network.  Look at who your colleagues or friends are following and begin following people with like interests as you.  This is where your profile comes in handy! Twitter will also suggest people for you to follow, this will also help you expand your PLN (professional learning network).
